Tuesday, February 5, 2008

CIA Officers Endorse Ron Paul

“Dr. Paul has done a tremendous service to the American people.”-- Michael Scheuer, Chief of the (Usama) Bin Laden (UBL) Issue Station (codenamed “Alec Station”), CIA Counterterrorist Center (CTC)

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi endorses Ron Paul:

"Philip Giraldi is a former officer of the Central Intelligence Agency who writes regularly on intelligence and foreign policy issues. Mr. Giraldi is a partner in an international security consultancy Cannistraro Associates, a contributing editor at The American Conservative magazine and a fellow at the American Conservative Defense Alliance."

Foreign Affairs Congressman Dr. Ron Paul introduces the chief CIA Osama bin Laden hunter Michael Scheuer to explain how Clinton-Bush policies played into bin Laden's hands and how Dr. Paul's non-interventionism defeats al Qaeda:

Captain Ron Paul wisely sees that we must know our enemy to defeat our enemy.

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